Posts tagged with "Muslim Organizations"

"What Happens When Artificial Intelligence (AI) Turns Islamophobic?"
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 08. October 2021
How often has God reminded us repeatedly of the straightforward, uncomplicated demand to spend in the way of God? In fact, God in Surah al-Baqarah says, "Spend in the way of God, and do not cast yourself into ruin," reminding all of us that failure to commit to spending in the way of God is, in fact, casting ourselves into ruin, and is dooming ourselves. But this is not what I want to focus on; I do not want to focus simply on the act of spending in the way of God, but on what we spend on, and...
"What Occupies Your Heart? And More On Wolves in Shaykh's Clothing"
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 01. October 2021
A people have an energy. However one defines a unit of people, every unit of people has a prevailing energy. The energy is characteristic of a people, however defined, like a magnetic field generated in a locality and, like magnetic fields, are formed by numerous small particles within certain characteristics of the land. The energy that characterizes a people is the sum-total of the numerous individuals that define the collectivity. We Muslims have a number of cross-cutting identities. We are...

"The Unspoken Truth (Haqq) About Sexual Abuse and the Rights of Victims"
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 24. September 2021
This khutbah will deal with a difficult and touchy subject. It is a subject that not only must be addressed but addressed frankly and honestly. Part of this khutbah will be technical, but it is not technical for the sake of technicality. When moral and ethical perspectives are obstructed because of the technicalities, it is the job of the moral scholar and the moral jurist to address these technicalities in order to make space for morality and decency. Recently, a well-known Muslim figure...
Conversations · 21. April 2018
Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl engages a private audience on the challenges confronting Muslims and Islam in America, the Islamophobia network, and the what it will take to turn the tide of hatred against Muslims today. He discusses the current intellectual state of Muslims, its educational institutions and what it takes to be an effective Islamic intellectual in modern times--those who have mastered both the Islamic tradition as well as the modern systems of knowledge in a particular context, from...

Conversations · 07. April 2018
Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl and Dr. Heather Laird, Director of the Center for Muslim Mental Health and Islamic Psychology at the University of Southern California, hold an open, frank and insightful conversation about mental health and the issues that plague the Muslim community within the current climate of our times. Hosted at The Usuli Institute, April 7, 2018.
Conversations · 17. March 2018
A Conversation with Khaled Beydoun and Salam Al-Marayati on Islamophobia and Power moderated by Khaled Abou El Fadl. What is the role of American Muslim organizations via-a-vis political power, the racialization of Muslims and Islamophobia? What has been the experience of MPAC as an American Muslim Organization and what model does MPAC set for American Muslims? How do we analyze and critique the role of American Muslim organizations in light of Islamophobia? These are complex questions where we...

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