
REMINDER!! NEW MUSIC by Wietske Merison!

Greetings of Peace (al salamu ‘alaykum) dear Friends,
I pray you are managing well in these dark times. I am going to keep it short this week and only encourage everyone to watch the Shaykh’s khutbah from this past week entitled, “Protest or Perish: Lessons from The Ant Colony,” which is a brilliant demonstration of the importance of knowledge and scholarship in the darkest of times, when you think there is nothing left to say about our kids and students getting brutalized and arrested for peacefully protesting a genocide on university campuses around the country and across the world.
Amidst the darkness, I am so proud and excited to announce the launch of Wietske Merison’s second album, sponsored by Usuli Music, last week on 1 May 2024! After listening and reflecting on Dr. Abou El Fadl’s deep khutbah, do something nice for yourself and listen to this beautiful music: https://wietskemerison.hearnow.com/
Cover art “Overgrown Terraces” by Linda Edwards (www.lindaedwardsart.co.uk)
Weekend of October 11-12, 2024

More Details to Come!
Come to Columbus, Ohio, for our First Annual In-Person Usuli Conference this October!
We are making plans for our First Annual Usuli Conference! Please save Friday and Saturday, October 11th and 12th for our main events. We may also hold some additional more casual events beforehand, so please mark your calendars and we will share more information as we have it. Insha’Allah (God willing), it will be a fabulous event, and a wonderful way to connect with others.
From everyone at Usuli, our immense gratitude to you for your continued support of our work. Please help us continue doing what we do with a tax-deductible donation. A monthly donation helps us the most! May God exponentially multiply your blessings! We look forward to seeing you online soon insha’Allah!
In Peace and Hope,

The Movement to Reinvigorate Beautiful and Ethical Islam has begun.  Join us.

Your donation to The Institute for Advanced Usuli Studies will help fund important work to combat extremism and ignorance. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity dedicated to research and education to promote humanistically beautiful and morally elevating interpretations of Islam. We seek to support our brightest minds to advance knowledge and to build a community of individuals founded on dignity, respect and love for all of God's creation. See The Usuli Institute Credo for our statement of values. Please give generously to support a beautiful, reasonable and vibrantly human Islam for future generations to come. All donations are tax-deductible and zakat eligible.


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